Thursday, July 31, 2014

High Five for Friday

Lauren, from does a blog link up every Friday. I decided that I would follow suit, and look for little things to be thankful for throughout the week. So here's my first "High Five for Friday!"

1. High Five for Free Starbucks!

We have reps come into our office quite often. We had a rep come in and do a lunch-and-learn and if you answered a question correct she gave out Starbuck's gift cards. Yay! So Tuesday morning I had some free caffeine!

2. High Five for Work!

That may seem kind of weird, but for the most part I really do enjoy my job. I have the some of the nicest coworkers! We've been working on a huge project lately which has left me super busy, but I like it because that makes the day go by really fast. (Excuse the messy desk, that's also a by-product of a lot going on!)

and we only work half days on Friday, so high five for that too!

3. High Five for Fresh Flowers 

After one of the roughest weeks I've had in a while I decided to buy myself flowers. It also happened to be payday, so I earned them, right? and who doesn't love some beautiful blossoms?

4. High Five for Finishing a Book!

I just finished Emily Freeman's book Grace for the Good Girl. I thought the name was kind of strange, do I qualify as a good girl? But let me tell you, this is definitely a book I would recommend to everyone. The truth is, not one of us is a good girl apart from Christ - so anyone can read this book! Emily talks about how she relied on being strong, smart and beautiful and worked to earn her salvation even after Jesus had already saved her. It really struck a cord with me - at one point I hit myself in the head with the book and exclaimed to my friend, "I wish I could just get this through my head!" I definitely plan on reading it again. 

5. High Five for Friends!

This week has been rather difficult for me for many different reasons, and I am thankful for the people God has placed in my life. I am thankful for those who seek answers when they know something is wrong. I am thankful for those who honestly care, seek to help and point towards Christ. 

So happy Friday friends! Hope you have a fun weekend!


  1. Stopping by from the link-up! I love the flowers! There is nothing like fresh flowers to cheer up your day!

  2. Visiting from the link up! Beautiful flowers & yay for free Starbucks!!
