Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Goodbye 22! Hello 23!

Goodbye 22! 

You started out with a bang, and a lot of heartache. I learned breakups hurt no matter what.

You also held lots of great memories. Late nights, going to the trampoline park, playing volleyball at midnight during finals week, graduation and so much more.

You also brought lots of learning. Learning how to work a job all day. Learning how to interact with co-workers. Learning how to work hard. Learning that deadlines do matter. Learning that school breaks don't happen anymore. Learning that relationships with others matter, a lot.

And you also brought a lot of growing. (And a lot of growing pains.) This year has not been at all what I expected. There have been many tearful moments and a lot of heartbreak and suffering. But there has been growth. I am different than the person I was a year ago. I learned to continually cry out to Jesus. I learned that He is enough. I learned that I often have to remind myself that He is enough. My heart wants to be fearful and condemning, but Christ is enough.

It is special to me that usually my birthday falls right around Easter. This year I am cherishing Easter more than usual, and Christ laying down His life so much more. Without Him I am sunk. But there is Good News!!

"For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God." 2 Corinthians 5:21

When I titled this blog "Ramblings of Restoration" I intended to talk a lot about projects I have done redoing furniture, and my faith too. But as of now it has been about my faith. I don't consider that to be a bad thing at all. I don't even have words to describe a lot of what happened in year 22.

Depression, doubt, fear, and anxiety shook my world.

Yet in the midst of it all, God is good. He knows what is best for me, and somehow this season of life is going to be used for His glory and my good. It may not seem good now, but I trust that He is good. While 22 was pretty rough, my relationship with Christ is so much more than it was a year ago.

Hello 23!

I am excited for this year. I know God is working in ways that I can not see and I can not wait to see His plans unfold. I am hopeful that year 23 with be much more joyful, yet as Charles Spurgeon said "I have learned to kiss the wave that slams me into the Rock of Ages." 

If it takes pain and heartbreak to bring me closer to Jesus, then it is a good thing even if I fail to see how that is true at the time.

I do have some hopes and dreams for 23, but mostly just excited to see where God takes me.

I don't know where this blog finds you tonight. I want to take the time to thank you for reading it. I want you to know that wherever you are, you are not alone. I want you to know that Jesus cares about you. Cry out to Him today. If things are going great for you today, then praise Him and pray for others who are going through a storm. If there is anything that I can pray for you about, please shoot me an email! I am thankful that you took the time to read this, and hopefully I will post more regularly.