Saturday, July 26, 2014

a new adventure.

I’ve been an avid reader of numerous blogs for several years, but I never really thought I would have my own. As a child of a math teacher and an engineer, writing was never my strong suit. But here I am, writing in my own little corner of the universe.

I recently graduated from Oklahoma State University (Go pokes!) with a degree in Interior Design and have just started my first big girl job in a new city. I want to remember these exciting times in my life - the adventurous days when joy comes easy, and the hard days when I just have to learn as I go.

I enjoy anything colorful.  I don’t think there’s any such thing as too much color in design– the more the merrier. I once painted all the walls in my bedroom a different color. I love making things, and restoring old gems to a new life. I hope to share lots of my projects that have gone well and the ones that inevitably don’t turn out so great too.

Mainly, I want to write this blog because after reading other blogs, I have come to realize we can truly be encouraged to know we are not walking this journey alone. By rambling about pieces of furniture that I restore to how Christ is restoring me, I hope this will be a place of silly stories, embarrassing moments, and joy. 


  1. I am so excited to follow your blog! This is the perfect outlet for you!

  2. yay for blogging! I blog too! It's fun :)
